Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Well. Hello everybody. My novel's word-count is at 4,312 right now. Before I give you another excerpt, let me explain something. On the main page for NaNoWriMo there is a "dare machine." It dares you to do random stuff in your novel for a plot twist. One that I decided to use was: "We dare you to have one of your characters discover evidence that Bigfoot exists." The story behind the story. Anyways. Here it is!

            My wanderings took me inland all the way to the Appalachians and far out into the ocean. I saw many strange things wile I wandered though the virgin woods of the New World. Strange trees twisted by circumstances into mysterious shapes. But by far the most interesting thing that I found was an animal. Indians have legends of giant man-like creature that wanders the woods. That creature is Sasquatch. I had the great misfortune of meeting one.
            Maybe it was just this specific Sasquatch, but even though I found him to be very intelligent, he was very moody. One minute we would be walking along together, the next he would take a swing at my head and chase me through the woods howling at me. I came upon him in wolf form and stayed that way while I wandered through the woods with him. We could understand each other fairly well even though we were of different species. He never told me, though, why he would start chasing me and trying to kill me.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Well... NaNoWriMo has started This is the introduction to my novel. If the spelling and grammar are off, please forgive me, as I haven't proofread it at all. I don't have a title yet, by the way.

            I’ve been here three days now. I can’t bring myself to actually leave Providence, where I grew up and where I’ve lived all my life. I should, I just can’t bring myself to do it. No one wants me here. Tomorrow I’ll go. Tomorrow I’ll start a new life.

More to follow!

Thursday, October 27, 2011


So, my mom and I decided to participate in NaNoWriMo. Basically you pledge to write a novel between 10,000 and 50,000 words in one month. If you want to, you can do the workbook they provide to help you get started. Once I get started (it starts in November) I'll be posting excerpts from what I write. I hope you forgive me a little bit for the spelling and grammar. This is about word count, not spelling and grammar, so there will probably be a lot of mistakes.
Anyways, sorry this has taken so long. I'll try to do better.

Friday, September 23, 2011

"Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity" by John Stossel

Sorry it took so long everybody. But here it is!

John Stossel is a news anchor. He does a lot of research and often shows the other side of a lot of issues. He is very pro-Capitalist, and for a small government.

If that hasn't put you off read on.

In this book he dispels a lot of myths about everyday things, such as gasoline being really expensive. Gas is actually cheaper than bottled water! And it's even cheaper when you consider the amount of work it takes to produce it.

When he attacks the media, he often uses himself as an example. He doesn't just attack other people and make himself look like a saint.

Throughout the book he often makes claims that seem impossible or ridiculous. However, he does a lot of research to back up whatever he says. He talks with real scientists and people that actually know what they are talking about.

In this book, Stossel will probably surprise, shock and generally inform you. I enjoyed it and if you decide to read it, I hope you enjoy it as well.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Commenting on Blog Posts

If you are wanting to leave a comment but can't figure out how, this is how you do it:
Click on "Comments".
Write comment.
Select profile. If you don't have any of the profiles offered select "Anonymous" or "Name/URL"
Click "Post Comment"

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

An Introduction

I have started a blog after debating for a long time. It has no specific purpose in life. I am "taking the kitchen sink" as the saying goes. I will post reviews of various items, as well as some writing assignments. 
For those of you who are wondering where the name came from, Armand Moncharmin is from The Phantom of the Opera, specifically a director of the Paris Opera House. If you have read The Phantom of the Opera, I hope you didn't need the reminder.
M. Moncharmin