Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Well. Hello everybody. My novel's word-count is at 4,312 right now. Before I give you another excerpt, let me explain something. On the main page for NaNoWriMo there is a "dare machine." It dares you to do random stuff in your novel for a plot twist. One that I decided to use was: "We dare you to have one of your characters discover evidence that Bigfoot exists." The story behind the story. Anyways. Here it is!

            My wanderings took me inland all the way to the Appalachians and far out into the ocean. I saw many strange things wile I wandered though the virgin woods of the New World. Strange trees twisted by circumstances into mysterious shapes. But by far the most interesting thing that I found was an animal. Indians have legends of giant man-like creature that wanders the woods. That creature is Sasquatch. I had the great misfortune of meeting one.
            Maybe it was just this specific Sasquatch, but even though I found him to be very intelligent, he was very moody. One minute we would be walking along together, the next he would take a swing at my head and chase me through the woods howling at me. I came upon him in wolf form and stayed that way while I wandered through the woods with him. We could understand each other fairly well even though we were of different species. He never told me, though, why he would start chasing me and trying to kill me.

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