Friday, September 23, 2011

"Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity" by John Stossel

Sorry it took so long everybody. But here it is!

John Stossel is a news anchor. He does a lot of research and often shows the other side of a lot of issues. He is very pro-Capitalist, and for a small government.

If that hasn't put you off read on.

In this book he dispels a lot of myths about everyday things, such as gasoline being really expensive. Gas is actually cheaper than bottled water! And it's even cheaper when you consider the amount of work it takes to produce it.

When he attacks the media, he often uses himself as an example. He doesn't just attack other people and make himself look like a saint.

Throughout the book he often makes claims that seem impossible or ridiculous. However, he does a lot of research to back up whatever he says. He talks with real scientists and people that actually know what they are talking about.

In this book, Stossel will probably surprise, shock and generally inform you. I enjoyed it and if you decide to read it, I hope you enjoy it as well.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Commenting on Blog Posts

If you are wanting to leave a comment but can't figure out how, this is how you do it:
Click on "Comments".
Write comment.
Select profile. If you don't have any of the profiles offered select "Anonymous" or "Name/URL"
Click "Post Comment"

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

An Introduction

I have started a blog after debating for a long time. It has no specific purpose in life. I am "taking the kitchen sink" as the saying goes. I will post reviews of various items, as well as some writing assignments. 
For those of you who are wondering where the name came from, Armand Moncharmin is from The Phantom of the Opera, specifically a director of the Paris Opera House. If you have read The Phantom of the Opera, I hope you didn't need the reminder.
M. Moncharmin